Finer Poker Solutions That You need



In poker, one of the strongest points is the art of betting. A few fewer chips and your beautiful bluff can easily be lost. In this chapter, the different types of bets and how to place them are analyzed.

Tournament strategies

In this chapter, poker strategies are analyzed in three different approaches. In the first part, the main elements to build your strategy will be presented. In the second approach, the strategies that will be presented will be specific to the games called Sit and Go, which have different elements from the others.

In the third approach, he talks only about poker online tournament strategies. In this part you will learn what actions you should always take.

How to identify tells

In live poker, it is much easier to locate player’s tells, but it is not impossible to identify that tells of weaker online players, especially those with low limits. In this chapter, tells will be analyzed so that you can understand this mechanics.

Demystifying the bluff

Bluffing is a powerful weapon in a good player’s arsenal, but it can also be your fatal enemy if misused. Either way, bluffing is a basic game mechanic, as are bets, and should always be used when possible.

There are also some unmissable bonuses


Look, if you leave here without solving this now, nothing will change. You will continue to blame your luck and think that poker favors some. Understand that time is very valuable, and anyone who invests in knowledge can reduce the learning curve and avoid frustration.

As was said at the beginning, this could be the moment of a turning point. Like you, there are thousands of others passionate about poker, and guess what? Part of them invest in themselves, invest in development, and these are the ones who regularly appear at final tables of important tournaments, receiving prizes and recognition.

When you tell people that you make a living through poker you will probably see a reaction of almost disbelief. They may even redo the question, trying to explain that they are talking about work. So when you insist on the explanation that poker provides you with money, then you will get her attention, which will make an expression of curiosity or even amazement.

We are just trying to project a future in your mind, since you have serious claims about this game, right? People can’t be wrong about that, as it seems like a fairy tale to be a professional online poker player, but that is far from true.

Of course you can:

  • Organize your schedule
  • You don’t have to satisfy anyone
  • Can live where you want
  • Play wherever you want
  • And have a different lifestyle

 But you can end up putting your feet in the hands if you are not disciplined and watch the game’s variances. A dream can turn into a nightmare if you can’t maintain emotional control and let yourself be shaken by losses and low moments at the tables. And this is like a snowball, where a disappointment becomes a vehicle that will lead you to further losses and frustrations.